We use reports generated in the Civil Reports Browser to export reports that go to contractors in the field. We often run into issues with the formatting of the report not being set correctly. This problem is compounded by the fact that formatting...
Show deflections at PIs even when there is no curve
As a Highway Engineer, I want the horizontal alignment reports to show deflections at PIs even if there is no curve, at least one of the reports so that I don't need to add it manually.
Ability to produce station base report for existing rail strings
A station base report between existing rail strings (left rail, right rail) to determine values in the xml report viewer for existing gauge and cant or sixfoot and stagger
Need a Terrain report in ORD having Root Mean Square Error in it same as the report by the "compare point to tin" tool in GEOPAK
User is wants the terrian report from native Geopak which gives Root Mean Square Error to be added to ORD. In Geopak there was a tool "compare point to tin" tool that provided a report. This report would provide the "Root Mean Square Error". In OR...
Add elevation ranges when measuring volume between terrains.
In Geopak, there was a tool under DTM Tools > Analysis > Volumes, where you could specify elevation ranges to calculate the volumes, while also taking into account the volumes between two TINs. You were able to specify multiple contour inter...
Remove the Volume Exception Stations from End Area Volumes Report
If we add the Volume Exception stations (Cross Section Named Boundaries) for which we don not want to generate the End Area Volumes, The generated report still reports the Stations with the 0 Volume and its area. Kindly add an option to remove the...
Add extra Coloum which shows Delta Value in Geometry Report at PC, PT, No Curve PI, SC and CS
Alerts users to the existence of "kinks" in horizontal alignments. These "kinks" are where the back and ahead tangents at PCs and PTs of curves are not on the same bearing. There is a small tolerance built in to eliminate rounding errors.
The ability to use native html attributes in Deed Writer XML report would be useful. Also, having it save out as something other than just a text file. All the other reports are xsl format that can be styled to look at particular way.
OBM has the option to create a deck elevation report parallel to start of the support or normal to the alignment. Bentley should include the option to find the elevation and station of the bent traverse line to not intersect with the railing lines...