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Drainage and Utilities

Showing 57

limit the number of Rows in the Elevation-Area Table.

I get close to 40-50 rows of data when I assign a "pond" to a terrian. I only need data every 0.1ft but it is providing much more.
over 1 year ago in Drainage and Utilities 0 Future consideration

Allow Design Scenarios to change proposed conduit properties and class based on depth of conduit.

The class of a pipe is primarily selected by the depth of cover over a pipe. Sometimes vehicle loads or construction loads have an influence on the class selection
over 1 year ago in Drainage and Utilities / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 1 Future consideration

It would be beneficial to allow drainage designers to use graphical elements in combination with terrains to define time of concentration components

Currently, in order to determine one of the components of the Time of Concentration (Tc), ORD DU users have to jump completely out of the 'Catchment Properties' interface to determine the length and slope of the Tc element (since once you are in t...
over 1 year ago in Drainage and Utilities 0 Future consideration

Directly Link to NOAA data

Most state are or are moving to using NOAA rainfall Data. Basic IDF tables can be Downloaded and Uploaded, but it should integrate with the different Calculation methods (Table equations, Poly Log, IDF Curve.....)
over 1 year ago in Drainage and Utilities / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Allow the road slope to exceed the gutter cross slope

My state agency commonly uses gutters with a 4% cross slope. The maximum superelevation rate is 7%. The gutter slope stays at 4% in this situation. Spread does not compute in this scenario because "A depressed gutter must have a Gutter Cross Slope...
over 1 year ago in Drainage and Utilities / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Connection Region in Bottom of Node

The current connection region of drainage nodes are available for the side faces of node only. The software should allow the connection region of pipe/conduit from the bottom of the node.
over 1 year ago in Drainage and Utilities / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Visualization of Flood Fill based on min and max height values

A function of flood fill a portion of the terrain based on a min height and max height value. It allows a drainage engineer to visually check if a certain flood top water level will flow beyond the project boundary. Is there a way to do this in Op...
over 1 year ago in Drainage and Utilities / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Provide a list of Outdated Cached References

If a drainage profile uses a cached view rather than a dynamic one, ORD will provide a notification in the bottom right-hand corner that simply says "Cached References are currently displayed. One or more cached references does not match the curre...
over 1 year ago in Drainage and Utilities / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Openroads Drainage - HGL versus Headwater Analysis for Headwalls Inletting into a Storm Sewer System

Many times, a stream needs to be drained into a storm sewer system via a headwall. When this occurs, two analysis should be considered: The headwater at the headwall (the mechanics of the water getting into the pipe at the headwall). Generally KYT...
over 1 year ago in Drainage and Utilities / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

ORD Drainage - Show actual Tc versus Tc Minimum

Many times a calculated Time of Concentration is less than the minimum used for Intensity. When this occurs in a system of drainage areas (catchments), it helps a designer AND a reviewer to see what the actual Time of Concentration is at a given p...
over 1 year ago in Drainage and Utilities / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration