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Drainage and Utilities

Showing 106 of 1282

Utility Overhead Conduits- Need Vertical Sag

Can the Overhead conduits be set to apply "sag " curves for models in 3D? which means, we will need to include vertical curves when placing them between 2 nodes (eg. poles); In a real world, the conduits typically have some sag, and not as straigh...
11 months ago in Drainage and Utilities / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Needs review

Allow Design Scenarios to change proposed conduit properties and class based on depth of conduit.

The class of a pipe is primarily selected by the depth of cover over a pipe. Sometimes vehicle loads or construction loads have an influence on the class selection
11 months ago in Drainage and Utilities / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 1 Future consideration

Add Offset Format options to the Baseline Offset Text Favorite

Add the Offset Format options that are available for the Point Offset text favorite (Positive Prefix, Negative Prefix, Positive Suffix, Negative Suffix, and Show Sign) to the Drainage Baseline Offset text favorite.

It would be benefitial to allow drainage designers in ORD Drainage to use graphical elements in combination with terrains to define time of concentration components.

Currently, in order to determine one of the components of the Time of Concentration (Tc), ORD DU users have to jump completely out of the 'Catchment Properties' interface to determine the length and slope of the Tc element (since once you are in t...
11 months ago in Drainage and Utilities 0 Future consideration

Allow spread sections to be read directly from a terrain model or Corridor Model

Geopak Drainage could read a TIN file to establish the cross slopes for spread. This functionality should still existing in Drainage and Utilities by reading corridor models and terrain models. Users should be allowed to define an infinite number ...
12 months ago in Drainage and Utilities 1 Already exists

Directly Link to NOAA data

Most state are or are moving to using NOAA rainfall Data. Basic IDF tables can be Downloaded and Uploaded, but it should integrate with the different Calculation methods (Table equations, Poly Log, IDF Curve.....)
12 months ago in Drainage and Utilities / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Allow the road slope to exceed the gutter cross slope

My state agency commonly uses gutters with a 4% cross slope. The maximum superelevation rate is 7%. The gutter slope stays at 4% in this situation. Spread does not compute in this scenario because "A depressed gutter must have a Gutter Cross Slope...
12 months ago in Drainage and Utilities / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Individually Define Maximum Spread

in Drainage and Utilities, remove the Maximum Spread (global for the dgn file) and make it editable for each individual node. Roadways have lots of different gutters etc so I don't want a max spread for the whole file, I want individually.
12 months ago in Drainage and Utilities / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Already exists

Make editing catchment areas more user friendly

When you initially create a drainage area from a shape, it creates 'smart' vertices that you can grab and move with the cursor. However, after the initial catchment shape is created, the only way to add additional vertices is using the "Insert Ver...

Allow manual input of acre area when manually defining a catchments subareas

Currently when manually defining a catchments subareas we are only able to hard code in a percentage of the total drainage area instead of the acreage of that subarea (see attached file). This causes us to have to manually calculate the percentage...