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Drawing Production

Showing 134 of 1282

Copy named boundary from another file

The ability to copy plan drawings from a different file to have the same boundaries for different disciplines and you are able to edit named boundaries in each separate discipline. In summary the named boundaries start the same but they are indepe...

Georeferenced Sheet Models

Sheet models do not inherit the coordinate system from the Design model when created. The goal is to be able to create a georeferenced pdf that lays flat on aerial photography.

Create Cross Section using Referenced Named Boundaries

I would like to be able to create cross section by referencing other cross section named boundaries, similar to plan named boundary functionality.
6 months ago in Drawing Production / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Selection of named boundary with different associations

TxDOT likes to see driveway P&P’s side by side on a single sheet (see attached example), and when the workspace didn’t have a sheet seed that accommodated this type of configuration we created one ourselves. The main issue is placing both driv...
6 months ago in Drawing Production / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Allow multiple pen tables/print styles in the same PSET

Ability to use one PSETS into that contains both B/W and color
6 months ago in Drawing Production 0 Needs review

Ability to print without needing to go through named boundaries

We were previously able to drop a border cell in any file to easily be able to print and now it is not

Clipped Earthwork by Area

Ability to use earthwork tools in a clipped area and not just whole models
6 months ago in Drawing Production 0 Already exists

Intuitive ability to upsize a sheet border to scale vs scaling down to size

Currently everything is scaled down to the sheet size. Previously, we our borders were placed at the correct geolocation and manipulated, such that the design was in the correct place and the border was the item moving. Current system moves the de...
6 months ago in Drawing Production 0 Needs review

End Area Earthwork Corrections for Curvature

End Area Volumes are still a contractual requirement on projects. We need a tool to correct the earthwork calculations around curves like the GEOPAK “Centroid Adjustment” tool that did that correction and provided a summary of the centroid locatio...
6 months ago in Drawing Production / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer 0 Future consideration

Point on Tangent Annotation Group

This is an enhancement request to recognize that POT's are different from PI's. Presently ORD can not distinguish between the 2 different types of points. We want to use separate labels, "PI" and "POT". Our enhancement request is to distinguish be...
7 months ago in Drawing Production / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration