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User Interface

Showing 101

Rename Template Points and Components - Find and Replace Names & add prefix- suffix

Please and the follow template tools. Find and Replace point and component names in a single template or multiple templates. Bulk add prefix and suffix text to all point and component names in a single template or multiple templates. Find and Repl...
almost 2 years ago in Modeling / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / User Interface 1 Future consideration

Add a “Chord" Toggle to all the Horizontal Curve Tools

To have to go to the Back Stage and select Settings ==> File ==> Design File Settings ==> Civil Formatting ==> Degree of Curve Method to change from an Arc Defined Curve to Chord Defined Curve is not a good workflow. In our State we ca...
almost 2 years ago in Geometry / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / User Interface 0 Future consideration

Implement Civil Accudraw for Dynamic Cross Section View

Similar to the plan and profile Civil Accudraw, it would be useful to have a tool to be able to view offset, elevation, and slope in the cross section interface. This is desired in the dynamic cross section view, where users could actively utilize...
almost 2 years ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / User Interface 22 Future consideration

More flexible Template editing

I would like all the items in a template to be selectable in groups like the points.
almost 2 years ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / User Interface 0 Future consideration

Want a warning when detach a reference file used by civil labeler with element association

When a corridor is based on an alignment from a reference file we get a warning when we try to detach the alignment reference file to minimize the chance of breaking the connection between the corridor and it's source alignment. Can we similarly g...
almost 2 years ago in Drawing Production / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / User Interface 0 Future consideration

Ability to Separate Tangents / Gradients from Adjacent Tangents / Gradients after Alignment Simplification

When making alignment modifications by manipulating tangents (Horizontal Alignments) or gradients (Vertical Alignment) we prefer to limit extents of changes to only one tangent / gradient at a time. This is possible, when alignments are built with...
almost 2 years ago in Geometry / User Interface 1 Future consideration

Have the “Open Profile command” work on a selected linear geometry.

Now, if you select a linear entity and then take the open profile model tool,selection is not taken into account: You are aksed to select an entity. That contradicts main function of selection : Selection is typically used to indicate you want to ...
almost 2 years ago in Geometry / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / User Interface 0 Future consideration

Cross reference plan and profile sheet number annotation form Sheet Index

Add ability to cross reference the sheet numbers of plans that are in the sheet index. IE: referencing the profile sheet number on the plan sheet and vice versa.
almost 2 years ago in Annotation / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / User Interface 0 Future consideration

Improve Geometry Builder interface

Often Surveyors are responsible for generating exi sting alignments from limited data (in plans or collected in field.) We have identified that using the Geometry Builder can be a "wo rkaround" but it is clunky and there are more steps involved th...
almost 2 years ago in OpenRoads Designer / Survey / User Interface 0 Future consideration

Persist Snaps and Feature Definition Toggle Bar

We need a better way to control activation of the Persist Snaps functionality. Currently the Persist Snaps is always turned on by default when ORD is launched and also when switching to a different dgn. Persist Snaps is a very important functional...
almost 2 years ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / User Interface 0 Future consideration