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My ideas: Import/Export

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Add IFC mapping options to elements

The possibility to choose how your objects will be exported to ifc: at the moment everything exports as ifcBuildingElementProxy class, MeshElement type.Example: assign surface templates (pavements) to export as ifcSlab; a retaining wall as ifcWall...

DU: IFC export

It`s not possible to export Drainage and Utilities elements to IFC.There is a way to achive something similar, bur you have to export to iModel, upload it to design review and from there, export to IFC.Major issue for BIM projects and for those wi...
almost 2 years ago in Import/Export / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 9 Shipped

IFC Export to support export of all elements in the DGN and attached item types

IFC Export to support export of all elements in the DGN and attached item types. Direct export to IFC is required to improve efficiency given that the only way to achieve this at present is to export from iTwin. Improved support for IFC versions a...
over 2 years ago in Import/Export / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Shipped

Ability to Export Shape (.shp) Files

We need the ability to Export Shape (.shp) Files.