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Ability to automatically generate 3d linear features/Linestrings from OBM elements

Generation of 2d decorations and solids are insufficient for full coordination with road geometry teams and they regularly need to provide 3d linestring geometry as part of the roadway design for bridge barriers, wingwall edges for earthworks, etc...
almost 2 years ago in Modeling / OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler 0 Needs review

DU tool to update node name by feature definition

The name of the nodes are defined at placement by the selected Feature Definition. It's common for it to be changed during the design process. For these cases, all altered nodes must be manually renamed. This usually is done through selection or u...

Enhancement to the Coordinate System Tool: Include the chosen coordinates to future sheet views and models

To improve time management and work productivity, I thought modifying the Coordinate System tool to add a feature that will apply the County/Coordinate System to all future sheets and models created in the file. Currently, when we use the 'CreateF...
9 months ago in OpenRoads Designer 1 Needs review

Exporting Field Book with Observational Data

I process survey data for the Maine Department of Transportation. We have been transitioning from InRoads to OpenRoads for about a year now and are currently using OpenRoads Designer 2023. Myself and others in the Department are seeing frequent co...
11 months ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads ConceptStation / OpenSite Designer / Survey 1 Needs review

Automate the assignment of a node's sump offset based on largest connecting pipe's wall thickness

We are looking for a workflow where the Sump depth value can be set to the thickness of the "largest pipe" connected to a node. When the user places a node, if there is an option to set the sump depth to the thickness of the pipe, then it would au...
11 months ago in Drainage and Utilities / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Needs review

Insert vertex into a field book line string with an elevation, and/or add a point in the details list and designate as an added model point.

It is necessary to clean up surveyed field book data and crossings or overlap of lines to produce a cleaner smoother terrain model.
about 1 year ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / Survey 0 Needs review

Model a straight bridge on a curved alignment

The ability to create a straight bridge when the alignment transitions from tangent to a horizontal curve on the bridge. Currently the deck ends are controlled by the bridge skew from a radial line at the end of the deck rather than from the tange...
over 1 year ago in Geometry / OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler 0 Needs review

Approach Slab Line Offset

Currently the approach slab line uses an offset distance to place it. that offset value just shifts the line that distance along the alignment, which is not what we want especially on curved bridges. That offset distance needs to be a copy paralle...
over 1 year ago in OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler 0 Needs review

Cut complex geometry plan/profile

It can come situations, especially in investigations, when you need to break a complex alignment i two because several reasons as change number of tracks or decisions of other design of a railyard/shut yard. Today we have to break the complex whic...
3 months ago in OpenRail Designer 0 Needs review

Multiple linked speed schemes to each cant table

I would like to have the possibility to link multiple speed schemes/train categories to each cant table in a way that makes it possible to create a report that includes cant, cant deficiency, sudden changes etc, for all speed schemes in one place ...
3 months ago in CANT / OpenRail Designer 0 Needs review