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OpenBridge Modeler

Showing 158 of 1446

Compute haunch option with straight girder

It would be nice to have a toggle when using the compute haunch option to still model girders as straight as that is what we need for vertical clearance checks.
about 1 year ago in OpenBridge Modeler 0 Future consideration


Please add a variable MS_LEVEL_DO_NOT_OVERRIDE_DESIGN_LEVELS_IN_DRAWING that does what MS_LEVEL_DO_NOT_OVERRIDE_DESIGN_LEVELS_IN_SHEET does for sheets but for drawings

Add support for buildingSMART IDS

IDS as Information Delivery Specification is a standard comes from buildingSMART which ensure openBIM pricipes for exchange of information requirements and validation. Please check at

Edit the Civil Properties in an existing Sheetseeds.dgnlib

Could we edit the values in the sheetseed.dgnlib rather than having to delete and start over. We can see the Civil properties and standards change and evolve could there be a way to let an admin make changes to the values. Example I want to change...

Add latitude and longitude values to Report Browser

The raw-xml is missing Latitude and Longitude information when creating reports. InRoads had this capability, but it appears to be missing from OpenRoads.

Retain or be able to re-associate references when "One DGN Per Sheet" used to facilitate ProjectWise Integration

Many companies/DOT's use ProjectWise Explorer Client which will apply attributes such as sheet number and total sheets to sheet models via tags. The only way to apply this on multiple sheets is to use the "One DGN Per Sheet" option. If a reference...

GenerativeComponents - Feature Definition tool Node

Special Node/Option for Full recognition (reading civil information) and creation of Feature Definitions in GenerativeComponents. GC & Civil Packages would benefit greatly if we could automate the creation of Civil Lines (2D/3D) for subsequen...
over 1 year ago in Modeling / OpenBridge Modeler / OpenRail Designer / OpenSite Designer / OpenTunnel Designer 0 Future consideration

GenerativeComponents - Alignment Node

Special Node/Option for Full recognition/utilisation of Alignment in GenerativeComponents. Since GC made it's entry into Civil products, it is vital that it gets tools (Node/-s) vital for closer cooperation with Civil Packages who make us of Align...
over 1 year ago in Geometry / Modeling / OpenBridge Modeler / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenTunnel Designer 0 Future consideration

Improved Interoperability Between OBM > LBC/LBS

I would like to see an improvement to the interoperability - Once you "Send To [LEAP]" the bridge model from OBM you are no longer able to modify the bridge in OBM and UPDATE the existing .lbcx file you are working in. I understand that significan...
over 1 year ago in Import/Export / OpenBridge Modeler 0 Already exists

Bevel vertical face of stiffeners/connection plates at web

When the connection plates or stiffeners are placed, they are appearing half-embedded into the web with an equivalent gap on the opposing edge. For it to actually be correct, the plates should be beveled to match the vertical face of the web.
over 1 year ago in OpenBridge Modeler 0 Needs review