Ability to define the slope of any points within the dynamic section using the measure tools
Having the ability to quickly check both existing and design crossfall/superelevation would increase efficiency within the program as there would be no requirement to run a template and report to evaluate existing cross slopes
Ability to export and import all corridor objects such as point controls to enable rebuilding of corridors
I know parametric constraints can be exported but if a corridor becomes corrupt then being able to rebuild it from scratch easily would be useful. Similar to an input file in MX
A physical report containing all surface areas and total area. Application use cases for this would include: -Useful for project planning and cost estimation. -Help determine material quantities. -Assists in environmental impact assessments by pro...
In regression anaylsis, move the text off the regression line
I've attached couple of screen shots to get my point accross. When I do regression, the regresion line is selected and highlights. The slew/lift (depending if its horizontal or vertical reg) are displayed ,but right on the millimetre text is where...
It's difficult to see which geometry elements are connected or ruled via persist snaps in the element profile. Add profile dynamic annotation and elevation dynamic fields to plan view. Add profile persist snap glyphs in plan view to show the conne...
End condition override tool allows edits to part of the template for a selected station range in plan view, but the tool only works with end condition components. Update the tool to allow overriding any component or part of the template.
Corridor aliasing is used to override corridor template end condition target. Add the ability to add Linear Templates, Surface Templates, Mesh elements, and Solid elements as available targets.
Drainage Annotation rotation based on sheet view rotation
Currently, the only rotation options for drainage annotation is constant. With alignments that are curving, our sheets must change rotation. It would save a lot of time spent manually adjusting rotation on each sheet.