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OpenRail Designer

Showing 40

Add IFC mapping options to elements

The possibility to choose how your objects will be exported to ifc: at the moment everything exports as ifcBuildingElementProxy class, MeshElement type.Example: assign surface templates (pavements) to export as ifcSlab; a retaining wall as ifcWall...

Don't load nested references when nesting is disabled

When a reference is loaded, all its nested attachments are loaded as well. This takes a lot of time, while the nested attachments are not used. Loading nested attachments based on the nesting number would greatly speed up the opening of files

Add "Arc Length Chorded" to arc properties so it can be annotated in plan

Currently there is no way to annotate the chorded length for arcs that are Chord definition. Adding a new property named "Arc Length Chorded" would allow this.
about 2 years ago in Annotation / Geometry / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 2 Shipped

Update/Modify Profile Run

Named boundary and respective cut-sheet is based on the profile Run Alignment. In further submittal there might be a change (about 25-30%) in the Profile Run of respective system. If we delete the run the named boundary and cut-sheet will lose the...

Ability to Export Shape (.shp) Files

We need the ability to Export Shape (.shp) Files.

Oklahoma Time of Concentration Formula

Currently ORD does not have an option to calculate Time of Concentration for the channel flow that the state of Oklahoma uses. This eliminates the option to use the programmed Tc calculator for channel flow. I need an option to put in my own formu...

IFC Export to support export of all elements in the DGN and attached item types

IFC Export to support export of all elements in the DGN and attached item types. Direct export to IFC is required to improve efficiency given that the only way to achieve this at present is to export from iTwin. Improved support for IFC versions a...
about 2 years ago in Import/Export / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Shipped

Update Extract from Graphic Order of Settings

In the Extract from Graphic tool, the conduit feature definition needs to be set prior to the node feature definition to pull the appropriate corresponding nodes from the workspace. Could the conduit feature definition settings be listed above the...

Need International Foot Seed Files in Workspace

The standard design file units loadout for al l OpenRoads and OpenRail products appears to be US Survey Ft. I would recommend adding an international ft. option to all seed files to match the current sunsetting of the US Survey Ft. in 2022.
over 2 years ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / Workspace 2 Shipped

Add shear stress calculation (based on HEC-15) to conduit data.

Conduit data has flow data but not shear force data which would help design the channel lining needed to protect from ditch/channel erosion.