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OpenTunnel Designer

Showing 59 of 1435

Import Item Type Values

Currently, we can set default values for item types and then change them once they are drawn into the file. However, if the values that we need to input into the item type are coming from a source outside of ORD, there's no way to import that info...

Expression Math Function Roundup / Ceiling math

It is known that processing slows when using nested IIF statements. In order to simplify the expressions functions for Roundup and Increments for Ceiling.Math with are needed. Roundup function with a precision Roundup(100.03,1) = 100.1 math functi...

Transpose Element option to Create a Copy.

When using the Transpose tool, the software makes a copy of the element you are selecting to transpose, and that is the element that is reversed, leaving behind the original underneath. Most of the time I do not want a copy of the transposed eleme...
almost 2 years ago in Geometry / OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / OpenTunnel Designer 2 Future consideration

Text Favorite Migration Tool for schema/ Major Updates changes

There are some cases when ORD updates come with changes on element/civil property field names used on text favourites. This can come from changes in the structure the fields are organized. Other cases can be just a name change, etc The problem is ...

Drawing Model Optional

Creation of the drawing Model is Optional in sheet production in MicroStation. I believe this should be true for civil Plan as well. We should be able to create a drawing seed that does not have the option ON for creating drawing. Most of the Plan...

Text Favorite Use Dimension Style Setting

When a Text Favorite is set to "Active Settings" it looks at the file setting and is not reading active dimension style setting from the element template or the tool settings. According to MicroStation the Active Setting is set by the dimension st...

Pay Item Manager

ORD needs a pay item tool to manage all pay items and quantities for a project. This would help with keeping up with pay items that do not have elements in a file, especially in regard to digital delivery. PowerGeopak had a quantity manager that c...

Export to SHP file should automatically handle unit conversions

Users expecting an enhancement for export to SHP file function should export the data without having to change the units and handle the conversion on the fly from the selected working units if they differ from the dataset. To provide context: The ...

We need a SINGLE LIST of configuration variables that can be filtered by ALL products and generation

It would be nice if there was a single list of configuration variables so that we don't have to hunt in different product Help documents (microstation vs openroads) to find details of how they are used. Furthermore there seems to be a lot of confi...

enhance ORD Cross section to have same capabilities as Clip Volumes (for Point clouds in particular)

For now ORD Cross sections have limited capabilities compared to MS Clip volumes. Request is that ORD cross sections do inherit full capabilities of MS Clip volumes, including capability to define a thickness for point clouds and project the Point...