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OpenTunnel Designer

Showing 59 of 1440

Zoom button with CivilAccudraw

It would be useful to have a zoom button (toggle) added to CivilAccudraw to automatically zoom to location of selected point. Example: type a station and it will zoom to that station. And maybe with capability to zoom 2D only or on multiple views ...


Please add a variable MS_LEVEL_DO_NOT_OVERRIDE_DESIGN_LEVELS_IN_DRAWING that does what MS_LEVEL_DO_NOT_OVERRIDE_DESIGN_LEVELS_IN_SHEET does for sheets but for drawings

Add Application Version number in Pref Folder

Please add the correct version number to applications user preference folder. Currently when you browse to Openroads user preference folder you get folders called 10.0.0 and 10.0.0_1. These folders need to contain the version number of Openroads s...

The ability to edit the positioning and placement of a dimension.

Once a dimension is placed, it seems to be set. The ability to place a dimension and then later be able to adjust it would be tremendous. Not only the ability to adjust the placement of the dimension, but the ability to adjust the placement of the...

Ability to plot CPT data in OpenRoads from OpenGround

Our partner Dataforensics has a project with an OpenGround user, HDR where they need to plot borehole data and CPT data in OpenRoads. Seems like they were able to do this in Civil3D but are now using ORD and want to do the same as the attached

Rules between reference files

Indicate in the reference manager if Civil Rules exist between files. When attempting to create a snap rule to an element that is in a reference file display a warning message. Prevent circular reference errors created by snap rules between refere...

ORD Design File Settings>Working Unite>Resolution change tool

Is there a tool in ORD that can change the Design File Settings>Working Unite>Resolution and scale the model so that the model remains at the correct scale after the resolution change. Is there such a tool? If not, that is my design enhancem...

Allow the use of equations when creating civil labels

We would like to be able to create a civil label that labels the elevation of a terrain model. We would like this label to include both a top of curb elevation and automatically do the math to subtract a set distance from that elevation so that it...

Text Favorite Naming

When an Annotation Definition is created in some cases it's useful to assign a text favorite to the annotation definition.....except for when you have text favorites with the same name. It would be nice if we could name text favorites with the sam...