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OpenBridge Designer

Showing 95

Civil Profile 3d Cut - Add depth of cut like Section Callout tool

Currently, the named boundary civil profile tool only takes a slice through a model. It would be extremely useful to be able to specify a depth (clip volume) to capture more geometry that what is being sliced through
over 1 year ago in Drawing Production / OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler 8 Future consideration

Export cells and parametric cells in IFC export

At the moment, only shared cells are supported.

Civil Accudraw Reference Element Included in Heads Up Prompt and Highlight Element

When using Civil Accudraw’s heads up prompts it would be helpful to have the prompt display the reference element (or elements) and highlight it, so the user knows exactly which reference element is being used. Often users are switching betwee...

Re-word the Upgrade dialog to include that the file will also be 'aligned' to the product.

There are several ways a file can be opened though local access, networking, and ProjectWise. There is very minimal documentation available to explain to users the difference between Upgrading and Aligning a file. Not to mention how, when, and why...

Separate geometric ratios summary from stress ratio summary

OpenBridge LEAP Steel Summaries include geometric ratios (like together with stress ratios. This is not helpful, as that ratios is not a real demand/capacity ratio, therefore when that geometric value of "performance ratio" is high, it...
29 days ago in OpenBridge Designer / Reports 0 Future consideration

Upgrading from XSLT 1.0 to XSLT 3.0

XSLT 3.0 introduces several new features and improvements that can enhance the development process, increase efficiency, and provide better results. Performance Improvements: XSLT 3.0 includes optimizations that can significantly improve the perfo...

Including OverBridges, Noise wall and Large Gantries for Sight distance analysis

For the sight distance analysis, it would be good to include more complex scenarios, like OverBridges, noisewalls, Large Signage Gantries etc. which cannot be included in composite design surfaces.

Allow option to label Terrain Contours using Lines/Linestrings to define paths

We regularly need to deliver contour plans to the client based on Terrains that constantly change as a 3d design develops. It is currently very hard to produce consistent contour outputs because of the manual nature of how the annotation is applie...
over 1 year ago in OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / Terrain 3 Future consideration

Update Standards from Dgnlib needs to allow user selections

Please adjust the "update standards from dgnlib" in Explorer to allow for more user control for what will update. I also want more visibility any active file, project resources that are different compared to the dgnlib resources. Consider a situat...

Copy named boundary from another file

The ability to copy plan drawings from a different file to have the same boundaries for different disciplines and you are able to edit named boundaries in each separate discipline. In summary the named boundaries start the same but they are indepe...