Extension of the "Create Cut Fill Volumes" function with the ability to choose whether calculations will be performed for a selected element (similar to the function "Create Closed Mesh") or for all elements included in the model (just like it's b...
Define Station (similar to Internal Station) from defined alignment
It is often that alignment starting from a turnout is using mainline stationing at toe of the turnout. So it would be useful to have a method to define station at first or last point of Alignment-A from Alignment-B, and ruled.Maybe not limited to ...
The text from annotation groups doesn`t follow the view rotation or the ACS. Just the global. This makes it unpratical and unhelpful.. Most plan sheets doesn`t follow the true north rotation and have an ACS. I don`t know if this is a bug or just n...
Deed Boundary Tool Enhancement to Allow User to Establish Civil Rules on Created Shape/Boundary
Please consider adding a toggle to the Deed Boundary tool to create civil rules on the created shape, so this boundary can be a ruled boundary. The goal behind creating this as a ruled boundary is to give the user the option to update the created ...
When using display rules Type it would be useful to have an option of values between A-B, not only >, = , and >=. This way you can choose between multiple versions of a component. Example absolute horizontal 0-1 Curb type F, 1-2 type A, 2-3 ...
Allow Cross Section Navigator to work in read-only mode
The XS Navigator tool's full functionality is contingent upon users having file read/write access. This requirement seems excessive for reviewers who primarily need read-only access. I suggest revising the tool to accommodate reviewers with read-o...
When placing a civil labeler, the text displays the field formula and that usually is some big text. The leader placement preview takes this enormous text in consideration and 99% of the times the placement we get is off from the desired, because ...
I want to place a civil point and the cell in its symbology returns its elevation. Main goal is to annotate terrain elevations with a cell in plan view. Best of worlds would be for Civil Labeler to accept cells so I could create some that would ta...
An input report should be made available to LARS files similar to the input report generated in LEAP Steel. This allows for a more efficient process for QA/QC of load rating files. This ability was present in LARS v10, but removed in the modernize...