Equal Space Point - Independently Control points after creation
After using the Equal Space Points command, I would like the ability to edit and adjust the offset of individual points which are created. We would also like an option to drop the Equal Space portion of the 'rule' so that we can have station and o...
Add ability to draw Ahead/Back Tangent line for full length from PC to PI and from PT to PI
Currently in annotation group, the back/ahead tangent line drawn at the PI only has the option for a fixed length. We would like the ability to draw back and ahead tangents the full length from PC to PI to PC. This could apply to both horizontal a...
Show Full Sheet Seed Name in Create Drawing Dialog Drop-Down
In the current "Create Drawing" dialog, which is usually the second step after creating a named boundary, the Drawing Seed drop-down does not show the full name of the drawing seed. Usually this is correctly populated by default, but occasionally ...
Allow for LP/HP for terrains to have both Point and Text shown at the same time
When zooming out, the points are shown. When zooming in, the points are hidden and the text is shown. I'd like for the point to always be shown and have the text be dynamic.
almost 2 years ago
in Terrain
Future consideration
Use File Open dialogues that allow user to paste a file folder address
OpenRoads uses different types of file open dialogues throughout the program. The first type allows the user to paste a file address directly into the navigation bar. The second type does not allow the user to paste the file address and forces the...
Currently, we can set default values for item types and then change them once they are drawn into the file. However, if the values that we need to input into the item type are coming from a source outside of ORD, there's no way to import that info...
We have a label that we need to include 2 offsets from the centerline in the same label. However, when I use the Data Point selection method, it only lets me select one point. There's no way to create the label to include 2 offsets. The only worka...
It is known that processing slows when using nested IIF statements. In order to simplify the expressions functions for Roundup and Increments for Ceiling.Math with are needed. Roundup function with a precision Roundup(100.03,1) = 100.1 math functi...
We are converting some of the cells that we have used in the past for placing text into Text Favorites so we can place them using the Civil Labeler. However, we are used to browsing to having both the cell name and description columns in the Cells...