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Enhancement to Create Project Node to Element Tool

There is currently not a way to project a node from the Drainage and Utility Model to an element (horizontal alignment’s profile model). Profile runs can be created and then projected onto the profile model by conduit linkage. With this enhancemen...
over 1 year ago in Drainage and Utilities / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

port all Regression tools from OpenRail to OpenRoads

There are some regression tools that were ported from openRail into openRoads in previous releases. However, they didn't port every regression tool. Most notably, they did not port the Vertical regression tools for creating a regressed profile. We...
15 days ago in Geometry / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / Regression Analysis 0 Future consideration

Annotate Cross Section Locations In Plan

We often want to show the location of cross section in plan which can be done using the named Boundary Lines but they need to be annotated so you know what each represents e.g. stations/chainages or section names such as letters etc. There is a wo...
almost 2 years ago in Annotation / OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 6 Future consideration

Make the Point Analyze Tool usable in Read-Only files

You can't use the Analyze Point tool on read-only files presumably because it is trying to add annotation but sometimes people just want to check measurements such as slope between geometry in a read-only files and this is a very useful tool to do...
almost 2 years ago in Modeling / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 3 Future consideration

Stacked Cross Section easier workflow

Create a better workflow for stacked cross sections. No need for complex seeds and dgnlibs. Just choose if we want to stack everything in a drawing model or in a sheet, how many rows and columns and hit enter.Maybe define the offsets and get a pre...
12 months ago in Drawing Production / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 1 Future consideration

Display transparent catchment boundary at the cursor when relocating an inlet.

Enable the user when relocating a catch basin to view the catchment boundary as the inlet location is adjusted. Thus, acting as a dynamic and transparent view of the catchment boundary for the inlet at the new location. This will simplify the work...
over 1 year ago in Drainage and Utilities / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Include the ability to use the slope of a terrain when placing a Geometry Point

This would be good for 3D modelling of any item that needs to slope the same as the design surface such as guard fence terminals. This is available within the Drainage and Utilities, but when using this it loads a lot of other information into the...
about 2 months ago in Geometry / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Superelevation Frame Annotation can annotate the 0% cross slope location

As part of the profile superelevation annotation, the annotation currently cannot annotate the location where the superelevation is 0%. This would be helpful to show in plans and for designers to easily see the station this point is at.
over 1 year ago in Annotation / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer 1 Future consideration

Control how Explorer sorts items

It would be really nice if we could organize items in the explorer by differently than it does by default. Adding the ability to control how the Explorer sorts items, whether it's something typical like alphabetically by name or something differen...
about 2 years ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / User Interface 2 Future consideration

Improve drawing annotation management

Sometimes we apply more than one drawing annotation to the same model. It would be good to have a model manager view with all the applied annotations group so that we can disable, remove or add. That way we could select what we want to remove inst...
3 months ago in Annotation / Drawing Production / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration