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My ideas

Showing 1472 of 1472

Add ability to match level when importing features from graphics

When I import features from graphics into a field book, the program does not set the correct level (match level) for most features. If we can get it to match the level correctly, it would save a lot of time. To take it a step further, it would be ...
about 2 years ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / Survey 1 Future consideration

Ability to Change Feature Name of Element Within Complex Element

I would like the ability to change the Feature Name of an element that is part of a Complex Element without having to drop the Complex Element.
about 2 years ago in Geometry / OpenRail Designer 0 Already exists

Geometry builder fix components

As in the geometry connector, the geometry builder needs to be able to fix certain elements
about 2 years ago in Geometry / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 2 Future consideration

Allow Level Overrides to Work With Profiles Created From Named Boundaries

This may very well just be Another Bug, but Level Overrides do not seem to work with Profiles cut from named boundaries. When setting up the Profile View and displaying the different surface profiles that are desired, we can use level overrides to...
over 1 year ago in Drawing Production / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Snap to specific chainage in Plan

In PRT it was possible to snap a smart line to a specific chainage in plan by using the key-in 'SO=xxx'. In OpenRail the closest tool I can find is Civil Accudraw with station-offset toggled on, but I have found that often CivilAccudraw does not w...
over 1 year ago in Geometry / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Already exists

Ability to update profile drawing model element annotation without removing full model annotation.

Currently, the software does not respond to removing element annotation in the profile drawing models. Instead, the entire model needs to have annotations removed, re-annotated, and then the individual elements need to be annotated.
about 2 years ago in Annotation 1 Already exists

Utility Overhead Conduits- Need Vertical Sag

Can the Overhead conduits be set to apply "sag " curves for models in 3D? which means, we will need to include vertical curves when placing them between 2 nodes (eg. poles); In a real world, the conduits typically have some sag, and not as straigh...
over 1 year ago in Drainage and Utilities / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Needs review

Update the Canadian Code in Leap Concrete to S6:19

The Canadian code in Leap concrete is outdated. It needs to be updated to the most recent version
over 1 year ago in Workspace 0 Needs review

Add Additional Check points to Wall Piers

Be able to add additional check points in the Str. Model Button for Wall Piers. Currently it is not applicable for these piers
over 1 year ago in OpenBridge Designer 0 Future consideration

Create crossections from a text file

We receive hand note with measurements along the track and at time we need to draw hundreds of crossection. Previously in BRT SS2
over 1 year ago in OpenRail Designer 2 Needs review