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Showing 48

OpenRoads Deed Writer - Bearing Formats

Open Roads Deed Writer bearing formats should be provided. North 84 Degrees 7 minutes 20 seconds East N 84 7 20 E
over 1 year ago in All Other / OpenRoads Designer 0 Planned

Open Roads Deed Writer - Area Formats

Open Roads Deed Writer should provide options to use multiple measurement formats such as Square Feet instead of Acre.
over 1 year ago in All Other / OpenRoads Designer 5 Planned

Update Ohio auto border width to match MUTCD

Alter the automatic border width script in SignCAD for the Ohio Department of Transportation standard to line up with the MUTCD with regards to sign border width (Section 2E.14 Sign Borders).
6 months ago in OpenRoads SignCAD 0 Planned

OpenCivil applications to fully support MicroStation "Dark Theme"

I would like to see OpenRoads to fully support dark theme with ribbons and tool dialogues. Similar to MicroStation but more seamless.
about 2 years ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / User Interface 0 Planned

Civil Labeler - Add Dimension Line when annotation between points

When using Civil Labeler to annotate between 2 points, like plan linear>between geometry, it would be great to be able to place a dimension line controlled by usual dimension style and being able to place the annotation at the middle of the dim...
almost 2 years ago in Drawing Production / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Planned

Prestressed Concrete Girder Beam End Cuts & Clips

It would be great if we could control the vertical end cut orientation of the concrete girders: Normal (as is) and Vertical (plumb to the world). Also, we often have to clip the corners of girders when bridges are on heavy skew. Would be nice to b...
over 1 year ago in OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler 1 Planned

Horizontal and vertical regression values displayed in mm

Reporting horizontal slues and vertical lift/lowers interactively in the plan or profile model always displays as per the working unit, which I have set to metres. It would be useful to display these values in millimetres
over 2 years ago in Regression Analysis 0 Planned

Need modeling of curved wing walls

Currently in OBM wingwalls can only be modeled straight (and skewed). We need to be able to model curved wing walls, i.e. on a horizontal curve.
over 2 years ago in Modeling / OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler 1 Planned

Add the ability to open OBD & OBM files without a WorkSpace/WorkSet.

Request: I would like to ask that the ability to open OBD & OBM files without a WorkSpace/WorkSet be allowed. ORD has this ability, OBD/OBM should too. Reason: Being able to open a file, especially a .dgnlib, without a WorkSpace/WorkSet is ver...
over 1 year ago in Workspace 1 Planned

Add Offset Format options to the Baseline Offset Text Favorite

Add the Offset Format options that are available for the Point Offset text favorite (Positive Prefix, Negative Prefix, Positive Suffix, Negative Suffix, and Show Sign) to the Drainage Baseline Offset text favorite.