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Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 21, 2025

Export to IFC/Export to SHP/Export Geometry to reprojected coordinate system

Part of our design process includes exporting Geometry lines to XML and exporting both IFC and SHP files. These assets get loaded into our GIS system. However, during the design process, we design off of a modified coordinate system, and our GIS system uses an unmodified state plane coordinate system. In order to get the design elements to show up in the correct place in GIS, we have to reference the file into another file that has the unmodified state plane coordinate system attached and reproject the reference file. Then the export works properly. It would save us a lot of time and several steps if we could define a coordinate system to reproject data onto as part of the export process. This way, we wouldn't need to physically reproject data. The exported data from any file could be set up to export in the correct location in our GIS system.

Civil Product Used OpenRoads Designer, OpenRail Designer