When using drawing seeds to define named boundary limits, all of the drawing seeds available from the variable MS_DGNLIBLISTDRAWINGSEEDS are listed. This would include both the Plan version and the Profile version of a Plan&Profile sheet. This is confusing for the user, I'd like to have a way to curate the list shown to the user, so that only Plan views are shown when making plan named boundaries, and only profile views are shown when making profile named boundaries.
Civil Product Used | OpenRoads Designer |
This is actually how is works today. Only profile sheet seeds are listed when making profile named boundaries and only plan sheet seeds are listed when making plan sheet boundaries. The problem or confusion arises because for plan/profile sheets, they BOTH exist in the same sheet seed. We find that sometimes re-naming these can be helpful to eliminate confusion - for example, "Plan Profile - Plan" can be re-named "Plan Boundary for PP Sheet" or something like that.
Yes I'd like some way to separate the lists so that the plan for plan&profile doesnt show up in the profile list. It might be a small thing, but I've seen people who dont bother to read the entire title and end up picking the wrong one. Whats one more variable right?