Label all the points in a superelevation section with Civil Labeler
Superelevation is a tabular note that goes on the general info sheet with the super elevation diagram, so we usually just fill out the info in that tabular note. Designers just blow up the tabular note to add lines and make it work per project. If...
Have the ability to create Civil labeler with a null Target. This will give user the ability to create label for features/lines to use from one tool and one source. Further enhancement would be able use an expression that would change the label(ca...
Ability to separate the annotation of curves and spirals for the rail cant
Ability to separate the annotation of curves and spirals for the rail cant. At present the Non-Linear setting is applying to both This is usefull to remove some clutter (especially where there is short elements like below;
Add ability to draw Ahead/Back Tangent line for full length from PC to PI and from PT to PI
Currently in annotation group, the back/ahead tangent line drawn at the PI only has the option for a fixed length. We would like the ability to draw back and ahead tangents the full length from PC to PI to PC. This could apply to both horizontal a...
It would be advantageous to be able to link 3D annotation to 2D annotation. In order to be able to create stationing as 3D text on an alignment in a 3D model, you currently need to do it manually.
It would be desirable if you could link a 2D anno...
Openroads designer annotation groups extend the white space management to all items
Right now only the text element can have the "manage modification" turn to true. This mean that only text will not move when doing annotation. The white space management, or manage modification to placement annotation should be avaiable to all ite...
Sometimes it feels totally frustrating to work with annotations in ORD. The problem stems from the dynamic nature of ORD files. Say we have a track where we have done annotations and we took our time to specify their position and adjust them. We h...