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System Speed / production delays compared to old versions

In previous versions of OpenRoads SignCAD, I never had the system run slow. The new version takes longer to open a file and takes longer to edit text. Maybe the volume of data required to open the text box can be changed to something faster. Could...
about 1 year ago in OpenRoads SignCAD 0 Planned

Add Offset Format options to the Baseline Offset Text Favorite

Add the Offset Format options that are available for the Point Offset text favorite (Positive Prefix, Negative Prefix, Positive Suffix, Negative Suffix, and Show Sign) to the Drainage Baseline Offset text favorite.

Project Multiple Profiles onto one grid

It would be beneficial to project multiple profiles that are parallel to each other in one profile grid. For instance, one for Left front face of a curb, another for Construction Centerline, and another for Right front face of curb.
over 1 year ago in Modeling / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Planned

List Points in Numerical Order When Generating Horizontal Point Report

Currently when generating a Horizontal point report, ORD does not list the points in numerical order. Say we have the points P1 through to P100, they should not be listed as P1, P10, P11, P12......P19, P2, P21 etc. seems it sorts by alphabetical o...
over 1 year ago in Geometry / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / Reports / Survey 1 Planned

Make editing catchment areas more user friendly

When you initially create a drainage area from a shape, it creates 'smart' vertices that you can grab and move with the cursor. However, after the initial catchment shape is created, the only way to add additional vertices is using the "Insert Ver...

Ability to Attach Non-Georeferenced Raster Imagery in ConceptStation

In OpenRoads Designer, the user is able to interactively attach a reference file containing a raster image and move the file freely within the model space once attached. Currently, only georeferenced raster imagery can be imported into ConceptStat...
over 1 year ago in OpenRoads ConceptStation 0 Planned

Prestressed Concrete Girder Beam End Cuts & Clips

It would be great if we could control the vertical end cut orientation of the concrete girders: Normal (as is) and Vertical (plumb to the world). Also, we often have to clip the corners of girders when bridges are on heavy skew. Would be nice to b...
over 1 year ago in OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler 0 Planned

import parcels, survey chains, lines, curves, spirals from GPK

Since GEOPAK is no longer supported. I have heard from Bentley time and time again that we can get to our data out of the GPK and import it into ORD. BUT this is only true for chains, profiles and points. What about Parcels? survey chains? lines? ...
over 1 year ago in Import/Export / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 2 Planned

OpenRoads Deed Writer - Bearing Formats

Open Roads Deed Writer bearing formats should be provided. North 84 Degrees 7 minutes 20 seconds East N 84 7 20 E
over 1 year ago in All Other / OpenRoads Designer 0 Planned

Open Roads Deed Writer - Area Formats

Open Roads Deed Writer should provide options to use multiple measurement formats such as Square Feet instead of Acre.
over 1 year ago in All Other / OpenRoads Designer 5 Planned