Allow the road slope to exceed the gutter cross slope
My state agency commonly uses gutters with a 4% cross slope. The maximum superelevation rate is 7%. The gutter slope stays at 4% in this situation. Spread does not compute in this scenario because "A depressed gutter must have a Gutter Cross Slope...
Configuration variable to control default path for .tiw files
When working in a fieldbook in survey, we want to set the default file path to a specific location for .tiw files. As it stands, ORD remembers the last location from which a .tiw was imported, but we want to set a file path for all users.
Updating XS annotation group w/o resetting annotation placement
The XS annotation group will place annotations in text conflicting locations. Once the user resolves the text conflicts there is a chance that the annotations may have to be revised when the model is updated. Therefore, it would be helpful if ther...
It would be nice to have the ability to reattach civil labels to a new element or terrain. A good example is for jointing/geometric sheets with a lot of spot elevations. Fairly often a new terrain is created and the spots break and need to be repl...
Select Multiple Annotation Definitions Simultaneously While Building Annotation Group
While building an Annotation Group, Annotation Definitions have to be selected one at a time in a temporary window. Make the definition selection window persistent, and allow multiple definitions to be simultaneously selected for addition to the a...
Develop an improved Civil Cell Editor user interface. Similar to Inroads Template Library. Add features and components, define parametric constraints, create terrain/mesh. Include explorer functionality to edit individual features/components.
Allow for custom line styles to be synced with "update from dgn lib"
When a custom line style is updated in the workspace, it does not update existing files that have used the previous line style (of the same name). The only workaround is to: Manually delete all of the line styles you want to update Remove the defi...
End Area Volumes are still a contractual requirement on projects. We need a tool to correct the earthwork calculations around curves like the GEOPAK “Centroid Adjustment” tool that did that correction and provided a summary of the centroid locatio...
This idea has been submitted as an enhancement for profiles. InRoads, there was functionality to locate crossing features that would plot and annotation the location on the profile. This is a considerable time saver for long projects where many cr...