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OpenSite Designer

Showing 786 of 1439

Ability to define non-uniform cross section named boundaries

The ability to define the location and width of cross section named boundaries that are not uniform along the length of the project. For example, regular sections might be 500 feet wide but some areas require wider sections for ramps, side roads, ...
over 2 years ago in Drawing Production / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 1 Future consideration

Need to dimension Surface templates.

Need to be able to dimension Surface templ ates in the dynamic cross section view during design as well as XS Drawing Models for plans productions. Could do it in InRoads.
almost 2 years ago in Modeling / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Stacked Cross Section easier workflow

Create a better workflow for stacked cross sections. No need for complex seeds and dgnlibs. Just choose if we want to stack everything in a drawing model or in a sheet, how many rows and columns and hit enter.Maybe define the offsets and get a pre...
about 1 year ago in Drawing Production / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 1 Future consideration

Enhancement to Introduce the Remapping Capability on Terrain Model’s Source Path

There is currently not a way to remap the terrain model’s source path in ORD. This capability is needed to be able to push survey data updates via rewriting a .tin file to then update from source (sourcing back to the rewritten .tin file with surv...
over 1 year ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / Terrain 0 Future consideration

Restore tool Delete Triangle by Line - Edit Terrain - back to its original function of not being able to cross breaklines or add a dialog box for the option.

In SS4 on up to ORD 10.10.2, you could not delete a triangle on the interior side of a breakline. When a line was drawn, all triangles would be deleted until it got to the breakline. In ORD 10.12, it blows through the breakline and will delete int...
over 1 year ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / Terrain 1 Future consideration

Allow drainage nodes to show up as a cell (catch basin, headwall, end section) in profile view.

Drainage nodes show up in 2D as the cell/feature definition it is designated like an end section. It would be useful if that same feature would show up in the profile view for drainage profiles. It currently works for the "utilities" part of "Drai...

Search bar for feature definitions

We would like to see a search bar or Filter for Feature Definitions. Our Featue Definitions are numbering in the hundreds if not thousands and as much as we try to organize it in a way that makes sense some are still hard to find.
over 1 year ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / User Interface 1 Future consideration

OpenRoads Compress Options

There seems to be a need to Compress or purge out unused OpenRoads Feature Definition, Feature Symbology, Annotation Groups, Annotation Definitions. Compressing out unused "Stuff" in a MicroStation DGN file seem to be a normal function of MicroSta...

Ruled Copy Enhancement to Complex By Element Tool

There is currently not a way to create a ruled copy of an element when using the Complex By Element tool. Being able to create a ruled copy of a range of segments and curves into a complex element with a different feature definition would be a hel...
almost 2 years ago in Geometry / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Tool to Convert a Survey Linear to a Civil Geometry Complex Element or a MicroStation Linestring

There should be a one button command to convert a Survey Linear to a Civil Geometry Complex Element, a MicroStation Linestring, or individual MicroStation lines (User picks what they want). There are ways to accomplish this process now but most in...
almost 2 years ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / Survey 4 Future consideration