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OpenBridge Designer

Showing 102

Enhance Annotation Definitions (Add text frame option and associate leader line to text)

Currently when creating/using annotation groups, the annotation definition can place a leader line. But when the annotation is placed the leader line is not associated with the text so if I move the text the leader line does not move with it. Simi...
about 2 years ago in Annotation / OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 3 Future consideration

Exported TIN surface must carry same edge method on importing.

Exported surface in TIN format not keeping the same edge method while importing it in new .dgn file. So, it is expected to get such functionality where the exported surface should carry the same edge method or while importing any surface it should...

Drawing Model Optional

Creation of the drawing Model is Optional in sheet production in MicroStation. I believe this should be true for civil Plan as well. We should be able to create a drawing seed that does not have the option ON for creating drawing. Most of the Plan...

Text Favorite Use Dimension Style Setting

When a Text Favorite is set to "Active Settings" it looks at the file setting and is not reading active dimension style setting from the element template or the tool settings. According to MicroStation the Active Setting is set by the dimension st...

OpenRoads Compress Options

There seems to be a need to Compress or purge out unused OpenRoads Feature Definition, Feature Symbology, Annotation Groups, Annotation Definitions. Compressing out unused "Stuff" in a MicroStation DGN file seem to be a normal function of MicroSta...

Export to SHP file should automatically handle unit conversions

Users expecting an enhancement for export to SHP file function should export the data without having to change the units and handle the conversion on the fly from the selected working units if they differ from the dataset. To provide context: The ...

Add Input Reports for LARS CONNECT Edition

An input report should be made available to LARS files similar to the input report generated in LEAP Steel. This allows for a more efficient process for QA/QC of load rating files. This ability was present in LARS v10, but removed in the modernize...
7 months ago in OpenBridge Designer / Reports 0 Future consideration

Edit the Civil Properties in an existing Sheetseeds.dgnlib

Could we edit the values in the sheetseed.dgnlib rather than having to delete and start over. We can see the Civil properties and standards change and evolve could there be a way to let an admin make changes to the values. Example I want to change...

Add Ability to Place Civil Label With View Independent Setting When Using Leader in Civil Labeler

I am needing to enable the View Independent setting in Civil Labeler on text favorites using leaders. For example, I am using text favorites in Civil Labeler (that require leaders) to annotate existing right-of-way and property lines information a...

Civil Profile 3d Cut - Add depth of cut like Section Callout tool

Currently, the named boundary civil profile tool only takes a slice through a model. It would be extremely useful to be able to specify a depth (clip volume) to capture more geometry that what is being sliced through
almost 2 years ago in Drawing Production / OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler 9 Future consideration