Contents of terrains currently can't be viewed or edited. Features can be added and removed from a terrain but there is no viewable info on these elements. What elements is the terrain created from? What elements are used for triangulation? Survey...
Buttons in Level Display that stores and restores the status of levels
Once stored, it will keep track of which levels are turned on and off at the time of pressing stored. Then pressing restore will return the levels back to what they were. This would be useful if you needed to turn off some levels but want to retur...
I like this portal, however i can't see if any of the ideas have been adopted, and we pay premium for this product. maybe have a section with ideas implimented
label contours from inroads. there are times we have to label elevated "graphic" lines (aka contours and or benches without having a terrain model). was very helpful in inroads)
Switching between referenced OBD models from an ORD file (after attachment).
If multiple bridge options are required, placing these options within the same dgn, but in separate models is a good practice. However, from ORD trying to change which OBD model is viewed (after it's been attached) does not work. It can be reattac...
Allow Vertical Scale in Profile View to Stay Set after "Saved Settings" Or Change Default to 1
Currently, if you change the vertical scale in a profile view, it always reverts back to a vertical scale of 10 if you switch the view to display the profile of a different Line. It would be much better if the scale in the view would stay at whate...
In PRT it was possible to snap a smart line to a specific chainage in plan by using the key-in 'SO=xxx'. In OpenRail the closest tool I can find is Civil Accudraw with station-offset toggled on, but I have found that often CivilAccudraw does not w...
Ability to update profile drawing model element annotation without removing full model annotation.
Currently, the software does not respond to removing element annotation in the profile drawing models. Instead, the entire model needs to have annotations removed, re-annotated, and then the individual elements need to be annotated.