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Add Create 3d Automatically Options

The Create 3d Automatically in the Feature Definition toolbar has the potential to be really powerful. Add the ability to have other options. The one I would most like to see is "Profile from Surface" based on vertices, locked to start and end.

Civil Product Used OpenSite Designer, OpenRoads Designer, OpenRail Designer
  • Guest
    May 23, 2024

    Now that I've experimented more with the "Create 3d Automatically" I see there are 3 main ways to use it. 1) the "best fit" from active terrain is sort of the default. 2) When you use the offset command it creates a vertical from another element. 3) Snapping to the element (this one is touch finicky, I find using the tentative snap helps).

    In retrospect, I think really adjust the first option the "best fit from active terrain" to something more useful is really what I think would be helpful. Having that be "profile from surface" with point selection equal to ends would be so much more useful for our workflow.

    FYI, we're mostly using this for ramp and sidewalk design, rather than long corridor alignments. Thanks!