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Civil File Manager Tool Enhancement to Include Product Version Information on All .dgn Files

In, the Civil File Manager tool logs both the “Schema Version” and “Product Version” of a .dgn. However, the Civil File Manager tool appears to look at the schema that is in the .dgn file and then the product used to create that schema. This is an enhancement request to have the Civil File Manager tool look to the product version first and then the schema version. There are instances if a .dgn only contains MicroStation lines, where the Civil File Manager tool does not list the schema or product versions. There will be situations where a file does not include a schema version (because a civil tool has not been used in the file), but a file will always include a Product Version. Understanding what version of ORD is used to create a file is helpful and important information to track versions of seed files for users across an ever-evolving workspace. The logic order change requested in the Civil File Manager tool would be to document that a .dgn was created using XX Product Version and includes the following XX schema(s). Another alternative would be to create a new “Creation Version” column in the Civil File Manager tool to help better document this information for the end user. Please consider enhancing the Civil File Manager tool for this use in a future release.

Civil Product Used OpenRoads Designer