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Contouring at specific elevations and export

With projects needing a variety of contours at specific elevations and not simply intervals, we need a way to easily display and then export specific contours with labels as line strings.

Civil Product Used OpenSite Designer, OpenRoads Designer, OpenRail Designer
  • Guest
    Apr 26, 2023

    We need to be able to create contours at a specific elevation, not intervals. Also need to use that contour as a boundary to then analyze volumes.

    We also need to be able to make that contour a shape to then be able change its elevation to calculate below contour volumes.

  • Guest
    Apr 11, 2023

    I apologize for the ambiguity from earlier, allow me to clarify. Our workflow looks like this: we bring in an xyz file and create a terrain using the from file option. We get a terrain that we can then display the contours (major/minor) by intervals. We have projects that require only contours created from our data (the terrain model) at specific values and not intervals, for example a contour at 15.6' and another at 19'. We were able to create them by setting our contours and intervals to the exact value we want and then using the Drop Elements tool create essentially a 'dumb' to then be able to use. We were just hoping for a more streamlined tool/workflow that would allow users to list the values they would like to see be generated from their terrain.

  • Guest
    Apr 10, 2023

    Analyze point only seems to draw the contour if in a 2D model. The only work around to copy in a single contour to the 3D model that I have found is to temporarily change the the interval to only display a single elevation contour (in the template) then copy in the contour, then change the interval back. Personally I would like the ability to just copy a single contour from the terrain into the 3D model.

    4 replies
  • Guest
    Apr 6, 2023

    You can create contours by manually drawing linestings and setting an elevation on those lines. Then adding the lines to a terrain. Terrains can be dropped to graphics for export by using the drop command.

  • Admin
    James Anding
    Apr 5, 2023

    You can manually draw a contour using analyze point. What do you mean by "export?"